System Stats

System Name %
36 Ophiuchi 43.06%
Alpha Centauri 56.27%
Asgarage 13.39%
Aspelenie 9.16%
Atagat 8.06%
Avik 17.08%
BD-07 4419 20.84%
BR Piscium 14.70%
Barnard's Star 34.13%
Carnoeck 4.32%
EP Eridani 8.20%
Epsilon Eridani 31.63%
Epsilon Indi 30.28%
G 89-32 4.95%
G 99-49 10.81%
George Pantazis 40.40%
Gnowee 50.40%
Haghole 43.60%
Hazel 17.43%
Hill Pa Hsi 46.77%
Kokary 39.00%
LHS 1507 4.50%
LHS 1604 4.90%
LHS 3356 18.49%
LHS 340 41.23%
LHS 3531 13.89%
LHS 4003 13.92%
LHS 450 20.02%
LP 245-10 43.74%
LP 525-39 51.50%
LP 532-81 55.82%
Lacaille 8760 12.91%
Luyten 145-141 48.07%
Midgcut 42.76%
Narenses 28.96%
PSPF-LF 2 41.86%
Ross 33 5.33%
Ross 47 10.23%
Ross 671 34.43%
Stein 2051 28.91%
Trepin 39.50%
V857 Centauri 12.55%
WISE 0855-0714 54.04%
Wolf 124 45.14%
Wolf 1481 51.68%
Wolf 25 51.20%
Wolf 294 7.51%
Wolf 359 43.76%
Wolf 562 55.13%
Wolf 629 9.15%
van Maanen's Star 54.07%

System Name %
Deriso 32.93%
Eol Procul Centauri 26.45%
Pytheas 4.40%
Tir 26.43%

System Name Health
Alpha Centauri 56.27
LP 532-81 55.82
Wolf 562 55.13
van Maanen's Star 54.07
WISE 0855-0714 54.04
Wolf 1481 51.68
LP 525-39 51.50
Wolf 25 51.20
Gnowee 50.40
Luyten 145-141 48.07
Hill Pa Hsi 46.77
Wolf 124 45.14
Wolf 359 43.76
LP 245-10 43.74
Haghole 43.60
36 Ophiuchi 43.06
Midgcut 42.76
PSPF-LF 2 41.86
LHS 340 41.23
George Pantazis 40.40
Trepin 39.50
Kokary 39.00
Ross 671 34.43
Barnard's Star 34.13
Deriso 32.93
Epsilon Eridani 31.63
Epsilon Indi 30.28
Narenses 28.96
Stein 2051 28.91
Eol Procul Centauri 26.45
Tir 26.43
BD-07 4419 20.84
LHS 450 20.02
LHS 3356 18.49
Hazel 17.43
Avik 17.08
BR Piscium 14.70
LHS 4003 13.92
LHS 3531 13.89
Asgarage 13.39
Lacaille 8760 12.91
V857 Centauri 12.55
G 99-49 10.81
Ross 47 10.23
Aspelenie 9.16
Wolf 629 9.15
EP Eridani 8.20
Atagat 8.06
Wolf 294 7.51
Ross 33 5.33
G 89-32 4.95
LHS 1604 4.90
LHS 1507 4.50
Pytheas 4.40
Carnoeck 4.32
- Expansion Danger
- All good
- Needs Help

System Name Active state
PSPF-LF 2 Boom
Hazel None
LP 525-39 None
Wolf 629 None
LHS 1604 None
Wolf 124 None
G 89-32 Outbreak
Midgcut None
36 Ophiuchi Boom
Wolf 25 None
George Pantazis None
Wolf 294 None
LP 532-81 None
Ross 47 Boom, War
LHS 3531 None
G 99-49 Election
BD-07 4419 None
EP Eridani None
Carnoeck None
Stein 2051 None
Kokary None
Avik None
Ross 33 None
V857 Centauri None
Hill Pa Hsi None
WISE 0855-0714 Boom
Atagat War
BR Piscium None
LHS 4003 None
Wolf 562 CivilLiberty
Ross 671 None
Asgarage None
Aspelenie None
Gnowee None
LHS 340 None
Wolf 1481 None
Luyten 145-141 None
Barnard's Star Boom, CivilLiberty
Lacaille 8760 Election
Narenses Boom, CivilLiberty, War
Haghole None
Trepin None
Epsilon Indi None
LP 245-10 None
LHS 450 Boom
LHS 1507 None
Wolf 359 Boom
LHS 3356 None
van Maanen's Star Boom
Epsilon Eridani None
Alpha Centauri Boom
Pytheas None
Eol Procul Centauri Election
Deriso Boom
Tir Boom, Election

System Name Pending state
PSPF-LF 2 None
Hazel None
LP 525-39 None
Wolf 629 None
LHS 1604 None
Wolf 124 None
G 89-32 None
Midgcut None
36 Ophiuchi None
Wolf 25 None
George Pantazis None
Wolf 294 None
LP 532-81 None
Ross 47 None
LHS 3531 Election
G 99-49 None
BD-07 4419 None
EP Eridani Election
Carnoeck None
Stein 2051 None
Kokary None
Avik None
Ross 33 None
V857 Centauri None
Hill Pa Hsi None
WISE 0855-0714 None
Atagat None
BR Piscium None
LHS 4003 None
Wolf 562 Boom
Ross 671 None
Asgarage None
Aspelenie None
Gnowee None
LHS 340 None
Wolf 1481 None
Luyten 145-141 None
Barnard's Star None
Lacaille 8760 None
Narenses None
Haghole None
Trepin None
Epsilon Indi None
LP 245-10 None
LHS 450 None
LHS 1507 None
Wolf 359 None
LHS 3356 None
van Maanen's Star None
Epsilon Eridani None
Alpha Centauri None
Pytheas None
Eol Procul Centauri None
Deriso None
Tir None

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by EntariusFusion

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