
Hutton Helper Full

Last Updated : 26 of May, 2024
The Hutton Helper 'Full' is for commanders who want the full trucker experience, this version has all the features including, a news display showing hutton/personal news, a mission helper/shopping list to keep missions running smoothly, Hutton Influence display so you can see how we are doing when you fly by and stats tracking so you can see what you have done for the day and for the week.

  • EDMC plugin :
  • Event Processing :
  • Hutton News :
  • Personal News :
  • Influence Display :
  • Shopping List :
  • Day/Week Stats Display :
  • Canonn Event Sharing :
  • 'Don't Panic' text :

Click here to download Hutton Helper 3.0.7

Hutton Helper "Lite"

Last Updated : 26 of May, 2024
The Hutton Helper 'Lite' is our newest offering. It has just the core elements you need to help and support us and get the relevant news about what's going on with the truckers without cluttering up the EDMC window. This is recommended if you are a friend of Hutton and want to support us or compete with us in our weekly stats but don't want all of the extras that come with the 'Full' version

  • EDMC plugin :
  • Event Processing :
  • Hutton News :
  • Personal News :
  • Influence Display :
  • Shopping List :
  • Day/Week Stats Display :
  • Canonn Event Sharing :
  • 'Don't Panic' text :

Click here to download Hutton Helper Lite L1.0.13