
Name SML Mug Gin
Awolowo Metallurgic Claim S
Hume Excavation Platform M
Ryazanski Platform S M  
Schaeffer Horticultural Market S
Wood Base S M L  

Closest systems to Abazates

Col 285 Sector LH-L c8-9

4.09 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Baxter Base S M L  
H. G. Wells Beacon S M L  

HIP 38646

7.56 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Aubert's Armoury M
Baek Military Site S M
Bagryany Munitions Enterprise S L
Banerjee Biological Institution S
Batra Point S M
Benitez Manufacturing Enterprise L
Bernier Genetics Exploration S
Bhatt Biological Expedition S
Biobaku Research Complex S L
Borde Keep S M
Bullen Military Expedition M
Charitou Munitions Outpost S
Corner Stockade S
Dias Military Bastion S
Duan Armoury M
Erikson Vision S M L  
Esme Fort S M
Fay Industrial Foundry S L
Giles Platform S M  
Gough's Creations M
Hara Munitions Installation S
Holthausen Biochemical Facility S
Kambanda Jurisdiction S L
Khatri Engineering S L
Koh Synthetics Base L
Li Munitions Facility M
Lorenz Munitions Enterprise S L
Macgregor Terminal S M  
Malecela's Installation S L
Marinov Industrial Assembly S
Mbarga Obligation S
Meghani Arms Base S M
Morais Manufacturing Workshop L
Nenge Analysis Forum S
Qiao Biological Institution S
Ruiz's Foundry S
Sakamoto Arms Garrison S L
Turay Industrial Forge M
Umburter Munitions Hold S M
Vyssotsky Terminal S M L  
Xie Analysis Complex S

HIP 39391

8.44 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Ashford Chemical Works S
Auclair's Dock S
Augar Command Base S L
Aveline Synthetics M
Bagryany Biological Complex S L
Berezuk Defence Complex S L
Cabrera Analytics Forum S L
Caceres Genetics Facility S L
Coulstock-Cockeram Manufacturing L
Garg Chemical Site S
Garrido Defence Installation M
Goulart Dock S M L  
Hakimi Chemical Enterprise L
Hao Synthetics Site S
Heath Biological Site S L
Holland Biological Lab S
Hong's Fortification S L
Hutchinson Armoury S L
Juarez Chemical Complex L
Juarez's Hold S L
Kang Research Laboratory S
Karpenko Research Complex S L
Ki Synthetics Plant S L
Kikelomo Manufacturing Exchange L
Kohler Military Installation M
Kosiy Analytics Forum S L
Lagrange Industrial Forge M
Lenthall Dock S M  
Lim Chemical Assembly S
Madan's Point S L
Maiboroda Analytics Installation S
Maier's Command S
Makoun Command Site S L
Martin Encampment M
Mathibeli's Garrison S
Mendy Genetics Institution S L
Ndam Manufacturing S L
Neville Platform S M  
Nishimura Biochemical Installation S
Okpara Command Complex S L
Olanrewaju's Medicines S
Oluwusi's Outpost S L
Petlura Synthetics Plant L
Prytula Research Laboratory S
Shibata Chemical S
Stupka Military Facility S
Tamura Garrison S
Tamura's Arsenal S L
Varma Resort S L
Vytrebenko Medical S
Welleweerd Analytics Laboratory S
Wells's Point S L
Yamashita Defence Complex M
Yokoyama Analysis Enterprise S
Zabuzhko Analytics Complex S
Zhong Industrial Hub L


8.64 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Badeaux Chemical Facility S
Benoit Astrophysics Institution S
Braun Horticultural Holdings S L
Chakraborty's Leisure S L
Eesuola Foods S
Gaspar de Lemos Orbital S M  
Hartog Cultivation Enterprise S L
Hollander Base S M L  
Konig Botanical Collection S
Leiva Hydroponics Biosphere S L
Martin's Medicines S
McIntyre Platform S M  
Ngidi Industrial Creations L
Rey Entertainment District M
Scholtz Nutrition Site S L
Smoszna Hospitality Resort S L
Welleweerd Synthetics M
Yanez's Research S

Col 285 Sector QX-U a32-3

9.44 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bering Sea S M  


10.9 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Cassini Dock S M  


11.19 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Dolgov Port S M L  


11.49 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Arnold Hub S M  
Banmeke Biochemical Site S
Chabanenko Excavation Platform L
Contreras Cultivation Garden S L
Correa's Workshop S
Crozier Extraction Hub S
Dashiell's Inheritance S M L  
Dogo Drilling Territory M
Dominguez Construction L
Garrido Industries S L
Gil Engineering Silo M
Hatwal Mineralogic Reserve S
Hirano Engineering Complex S
Hirayama Survey S M L  
Hou Biochemical Exploration S
Ivaschenko Manufacturing Site S
Iyer Synthetics Assembly L
Jackson Extraction Platform S L
Khatri Astrophysics Expedition S
Kopyl Excavation Enterprise M
Long Excavation Complex L
Medina Metallurgic Installation S L
Menezes Landing S M L  
Naudiyal Horticultural Centre S
Ndiaye Manufacturing Plant M
Newcomb Depot S M L  
Nweke Manufacturing Exchange L
Orellana Manufacturing Installation S
Orji Synthetics Workshop M
Painter's Peace S L
Phillips Settlement S M  
Savchuk Biochemical Lab S L
Suh Manufacturing Enterprise S L
Theofelus Manufacturing M
Thordarson Hydroponics Centre S
Vasylyshin Defence Outpost S L
Verne Manufacturing Site L
Villalba Chemical Facility M
Wen Synthetics Moulding S L
Xie Engineering Depot S L
Yang Prospecting Exchange S
Yeon Biological Complex S
Zadzisai Excavation Territory S L
Zhou Mineralogic Exchange S

Col 285 Sector KG-Y a30-0

11.76 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Knight's Legacy S M  
Orbital Construction Site: Luis G. Matias A.l.s. Clinic And Med Center S M  

Col 285 Sector JL-Y a30-2

11.81 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Klink Relay S M  


11.92 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Bok Outpost S M  
Cho Astrophysics Institution S
Ferreira Horticultural Habitat S
Hitchen Nutrition Holdings S
Jayashankar's Analytics S L
Kay Hydroponics Centre S
Pedder Botanical Centre S
Petrenko Analysis Site S
Ryu Research Institution S
Schmid Hydroponics Habitat S
Takahashi Cultivation Complex S


12.94 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Agassiz Outpost S M  
Aguirre Base S M L  
Akpabio Agricultural Collection S L
Bianchi Horticultural Habitat S
Brazier Horticultural Plantation S
Cleave Horizons S M L  
Datla Nutrition Hub S L
Dewsnap Cultivation Garden S L
Dominguez Botanical Biosphere S L
Ferreyra Manufacturing Silo S L
Fuentes Engineering Enterprise S L
Fujimoto Manufacturing Complex L
Ghatak's Crest M
Hartmann Nutrition Centre S L
Jaitly Cultivation Estate S L
Kidman Survey S M  
Matsuda Horticultural Base S L
Mbarga Genetics Site S
Moore Research Expedition S
Morelli Biochemical Enterprise S
Ngidi's Biosphere S
Pak Biological Institution S
Palma Stop S L
Pardue Research S
Ratcliffe's Stop S L
Saccone Synthetics Facility S L
Scholz Astrophysics Assembly S
Spark Cultivation Biosphere S L
Sumlak's Astrophysics S
Ukah Engineering Base S
Vergara Analysis Lab S
Wallis Manufacturing S

Col 285 Sector SS-U a32-1

13.04 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Dickens Hub S M L  
Orbital Construction Site: O'connor Enterprise S M  
Orbital Construction Site: Seamans Legacy S M  
Orbital Construction Site: Wiberg Enterprise S M  

Col 285 Sector JL-Y a30-4

13.78 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin

Col 285 Sector JM-L c8-20

13.92 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
McMullen Escape S M L  
Meredith Keep S M L  
Szentmartony Penal colony S M L  
Zubrin Base S M L