84 Ceti

Name SML Mug Gin
Baker Engineering Facility S
Boucher Terminal S M L  
Dawes Penal colony S M L  
Dozois Market S M L  
Jia Engineering Site L

Closest systems to 84 Ceti

NLTT 8662

3.41 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Fincham Dredging Reserve S L
Gough Mining Site S L
Maiboroda's Claim M
Meucci Mine S M  
Torricelli Enterprise S M L  

LHS 1442

5.89 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Baudelaire Analysis Forum S
Grushevsky's Pharmaceuticals S L
Ham Vision S M  
   Hodgson Enterprise - - - -
Jae Agricultural Biome S
Kotsubinsky Horticultural Collection S L
Lawson Platform S M  
Lorenz's Farm S L
Mendez Horticultural Range S L
Openko Hydroponics S L
Pasichnyk Hydroponics Collection S L
Pianzola Research Enterprise S
Polyakov Depot S M L  
Tikwa Astrophysics Lab S

NLTT 8084

6.04 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Arsenault Chemical Depot
Auclair Arms Site M
Bahuguna Manufacturing Plant L
Boulaid Munitions Base M
Bustamante Pharmacology S
Caraiman Analysis Centre
Carrel Command Outpost M
Cho Chemical L
Citrolo Jurisdiction S L
Cockrell Terminal S M  
Collinson's Foundry S
Costa Defence Complex S M
Coumbassa Biological
Dashkevych's Manufacturings L
Gomez Defence Installation S M
Grimwood Settlement S M L  
Jain Genetics Laboratory S L
Joo Synthetics Workshop
Krisjanis Astrophysics Assembly
Laister Defence Base S
Linnett Engineering Foundry
Mazumder Arms Stockade S L
Meucci Landing S M  
Nischan's Dock S M
Oladele Engineering Facility L
Orlay Engineering Facility L
Osuigwe Fortress S L
Pak Engineering Enterprise S
Papacosta Resolve S L
Piazza Pharmacology S
Sarpong Genetics Site S
Saunders Military Garrison M
Sepulveda Manufacturing Workshop L
Sharma Chemical Assembly L
Suh Arms Installation
Surayev Hub S M L  
Tian Manufacturing S
Vaillant Biochemical Forum S L
Winkler Defence Hub S L

FT Ceti

6.18 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Afolayan Tourist Site S L
Altamura's Fortification S L
Belshaw Industrial Depot S
Chabanenko Research Assembly
Chen's Lodgings S L
Diabate Manufacturing Installation L
Dubey Research Laboratory S
Franklin Research Installation S
Greenland City S M L  
Hayashi Industrial Hub M
Ito Drilling Installation M
Khatri Drilling Installation
Lastra Drilling Exploration S L
Lewis Industrial Plant S
Makonda Extraction Enterprise
Moore's Forge
Moursi's Syntheticals L
Moy Prospecting Station M
Okada's Locus
Olivares Excavation Complex
Osei Chemical M
Piazza Drilling Enterprise M
Qi Military Base
Qian Mineralogic Exploration S
Riquelme Excavation Site L
Rybalka Synthetics Enterprise L
Sanhueza Engineering Forge L
Schuster Tourism Resort
Seong Chemical Depot L
Shvets Biochemical Consulting
Stant Dredging Facility M
Stimpson's Engineering L
Vasyluk's Forge
Verrazzano Installation S M L  
Xie Genetics Institution

LP 590-137

6.98 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Amato Cultivation Hub S L
Archimedes Colony S M  
Baldock Agricultural Range S L
Bortnik Nutrition Holdings S
Conde's Laboratory S
Edwards Horticultural Nursery S
Kapoor Agricultural Farm S
Kravchenko's Prospect L
Lanchester Settlement S M  
Lavigne Foods S L
Miyamoto Biochemical Consulting S L
Nakajima Analysis Forum S
Ndaitwah's Mineralogical S
Okusanya Analytics Facility S L
Orakpo Botanical Hub S L
Otto Agricultural Biome S L
Pidmohylny Astrophysics Site S L
Romano Hydroponics Collection S L
Tremblay Analysis Lab S
Vasyluk Mining Exchange S
Verne Beacon S M L  

LTT 1147

9.5 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Adsoy's Workshop L
Allegro Genetics Installation
Bramah Base S M L  
Brandt Synthetics Hub
Briscoe Genetics Installation S
Bugby Analysis Site
Cañas Chemical L
Chidubem's Find L
Choo Excavation Exchange L
Collins Drilling Enterprise S L
Furaha Chemical Works L
Gonçalves Forge L
Gordon Terminal S M  
Hahn Synthetics Silo S
Igbinedion Astrophysics Expedition S
Jung Analytics Institution S
Makuto Extraction Enterprise L
Murray Base S M  
Nishimura Analytics Forum S
Oksamit Synthetics Silo L
Paredes Dredging Territory M
Sar Astrophysics Assembly S
Yuan Research Enterprise

Lalande 4268

10.18 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Artin Bastion S M L  
Arya Manufacturing Facility
Auer Base S M L  
Boldyr Dredging Exchange S L
Bourne Hydroponics Site
Bullen's Sanctuary S L
Campos Synthetics Workshop M
Christensson Horticultural Biome S L
Courbet Visitor Resort S L
Espinoza Horticultural Exchange S
Friedrich Hydroponics Holdings S L
Gonchar Agricultural S L
Hara's Falls
Hill Ring S M  
Hitchen Hydroponics Range S L
Horwood Manufacturing Forge S
Igwe Synthetics Site
Kong's Tranquility S L
Leroy Industrial Base L
Lowry Ring S M L  
Mahto Chemical L
Maiboroda Manufacturing
Makoun Agricultural S L
Mbarga Synthetics Exchange L
Mendoza Cultivation Holdings S L
Mendoza's Forever M
Moreno Mining Base L
Pak Agricultural Facility S
Pollard's Bridge M
Rey's Habitat S
Saez Hospitality District S L
Sauer Agricultural Hub S L
Serduk Spa S L
   Sharma Shelter - - - -
Shenna's Biome S L
Sherlock's Venture
Shi Tourism Site S L
Stairs Port S M  
Stein Hydroponics Base S
Tracy Agricultural Hub S L
Vinet's Locus M
Vynnychenko Prospecting Enterprise L
Wen Metallurgic Claim S
Zeng's Castings L

LHS 6050

10.34 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Amato Agricultural Base
Bonetti Military Installation S M
Dykul Entertainment Resort M
Espinoza Military Expedition S L
Fairbairn Landing S M L  
Fleming's Inheritance S M L  
Fujii's Retreat
Grinchenko's Corner S L
Harris Port S M L  
Holland Lab S M L  
Houtman's Progress S M L  
Kuhn Command Facility S L
Makonda Chemical Exchange L
Marsh Drilling Rigs L
Nnadi's Crest
Pan Engineering Enterprise S
Park Chemical Installation M
Pasteur Gateway S M L  
   Piserchia Point - - - -
Sepulveda's Venture S L
Skvortsov Relay S M L  
Syrylak Entertainment Zone S L
Thoreau City S M L  
Wellman Works S M L  

HR 784

11.35 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Blenkinsop Port S M  
Cameron Enterprise S M  
Croft Cultivation Holding S L
Detmer Relay S M L  
Emeagwali's Eden M
Foale Port S M  
Galvani Depot S M L  
Gough Industrial Creations M
Haipeng Town S M L  
Hennen Enterprise S M  
Hobbs Synthetics Depot L
Jahn Station S M L  
Jansky Barracks S M L  
Leclerc Manufacturing Hub L
Morelli's Peace M
Morey Port S M L  
Nowak Colony S M L  
Ohm Colony S M L  
Paredes Hydroponics Habitat S L
Pena Chemical Workshop L
Poblete's Slumber S L
Rodrigues Entertainment Lodge S L
Rominger Station S M L  
Satapathy Vista M
Schrodinger Dock S M L  
Taniguchi Horticultural Site S

BZ Ceti

14.17 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Albrecht Botanical S
   Alvares Landing - - - -
Alves Chemical Site L
Amos's Armament M
Barbet Horticultural Site S L
Bonfils Command Base S M
Brandt Arsenal M
Bray Manufacturing Plant L
Cabrera's Command S L
Chakladar Agricultural Biosphere S L
Coleman Ring S M L  
Coumbassa Industrial Workshop L
Dembele's Biosphere S L
Dhawan's Biosphere S L
Figueroa Dredging Facility S
Finch Installation S M L  
Garrido Agricultural Exchange S L
Giudice Forge L
Grebby Nutrition Hub S L
Jelani Horticultural Biome S
Klein Industrial Facility L
Konashevych Industrial Hub M
Kopyl Agricultural Habitat S L
Kyrylo Hydroponics Site S L
Luna Botanical Plantation S L
Martinez Horticultural Facility S L
Matarov Botanical Nursery S
Matarov Synthetics Holdings L
Matsui Hydroponics Complex S
Mazepa Hydroponics Centre S L
Morfett-Jones Defence Encampment S L
Nakagawa Agricultural S L
Nakayama Industrial Holdings L
Okoye Military Barracks M
Patel Botanical Facility S L
Pawlikowski Nutrition Farm S L
Peng Control S M
Powell Hydroponics Hub S L
Rahman's Habitat S
Ramirez Hydroponics Base S L
Rawlins Engineering Base L
Rey Nutrition Enterprise S
Schulz Engineering Silo
Shimizu Chemical Workshop M
Shin Metallurgic Site S L
Skov Botanical Facility S L
Takeuchi Prospecting Rigs S
Thordarson Hydroponics Estate S L
Tull Bastion S M L  
Uutoni's Industrial S
Vaillant Agricultural Biosphere S L
   Vespucci Stop - - - -
Ware Nurseries S L
Wright Industrial Facility L
Zoungrana Excavation Exchange M


14.26 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Almeida-Vega Dredging Base L
Alonso's Installation L
Ando Biochemical Centre S
Bailey Analysis Facility
Barka Manufacturing L
Barreiros Base S M L  
Calvo Chemical Silo L
Davis Horticultural Plantation S L
Desjardins Drilling Enterprise L
Eke Excavation Enterprise S L
Haldar Prospecting Facility L
Han Prospecting Station S L
Ivaschenko Metallurgic Hub S L
Izdryk Synthetics Moulding L
Jones Mining Hub S
Kaur Prospecting Platform
Korolenko Research Assembly S L
Linnehan Barracks S M L  
Lopes's Burrow L
Nahm Mining Exploration L
Pesci Mining Enterprise S
Pidgaiko Extraction Platform L
Rodgers Prospecting Enterprise L
Tkachenko Drilling Rigs S
   Townshend Installation - - - -
Vynnychenko's Productions L
Weitz Refinery S M L  
Winstone Extraction Prospect
Yang Prospecting Site
Zyma Manufacturing Hub

Mong O

14.99 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Potter Holdings S M  


15.18 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Burbidge's Folly S M L  
Conway Reach S M L  
Geiger's Forever S L
Hogan Depot S M L  
Konovalets Cultivation Exchange S L
Libeskind Terminal S M L  
Maddex Hydroponics Exchange S
Reyes Hydroponics Complex S L
Richter Nutrition Exchange S L
Salinas Botanical S

Hai Ho

15.41 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Dobrovolskiy Vista S M L  
Feynman Orbital S M L  


15.71 ly from your location
Name SML Mug Gin
Alvarez Hydroponics Nursery S
Dantius Citadel of House Thiemann S M L  
E.S.S. Owl S M L  
Furaha Mineralogic Reserve S
Greenland Depot S M L  
Mattingly Settlement S M L  
Mazepa Cultivation Base S
McKee's Folly S M L  
Morfett-Jones Agricultural Site S L
   Pythagoras Landing - - - -
Trau Biological Institution S